Some people can rock a simple t-shirt and jeans, looking effortlessly sharp while outshining others in suits. These individuals exude confidence, comfort, and a laid-back vibe - all while being very intentional about their choices.
Whether we admit it or not, we all aspire to that effortless coolness. The people I’m talking about pull this off for various reasons: great looks, a strong physique, community influence, and because... well, life isn’t always fair. For most of us, it’s a journey - a long, winding journey. It's not as simple as copying what we see and expecting it to work; it’s far more nuanced.
I've written a lot about style over the years, but let’s face it - fashion is constantly evolving! Even I’ve learned new things over time. So today, I’m sharing some updated tips for looking more stylish in 2021 and beyond.
Don’t Fill Your Wardrobe with "Easy" Clothes
How do you dress well every day? Simple: Don’t give yourself the chance to dress badly. If your wardrobe is stocked with hoodies, baggy tees, and running shoes, you're trading aesthetics for comfort. Don’t get me wrong - comfort is important. But it’s all about balance. For instance, an oversized hoodie might be great for lounging at home, but when you head out, opt for a better-fitting one to pair with a denim jacket or overcoat.
Remember: dressing well doesn’t necessarily mean suits or ultra-formal attire. You can look sharp even in everyday items, as long as they fit your vibe and suit the occasion.
Invest in Timeless Pieces that Improve Over Time
Buying high-quality items can actually be a form of saving. Well-made, durable pieces will last you for years. Go for natural materials - leather, for example, softens and deepens in color as it ages.

Denim gains character over time, too. Even “demanding” fabrics like wool, which are often used for suits, can be preserved and last for generations with proper care.
Respect the Weather
I’ve got a little morning ritual each winter where I stick my hand out the window to feel the temperature and decide how many layers I need. It’s a small habit, but so many people miss this step, relying instead on weather apps that can be off. Real-life sensations often give you a better idea of what’s actually needed.
Make Dressing Up a Habit
For those who normally dress casually, trying to dress up a little can sometimes bring teasing from friends or coworkers, making you feel self-conscious. But to grow, you’ve got to push past that and make dressing well a habit before stepping out the door. Dressing up every day can open doors to new opportunities in life.
Don’t Stress Over Trends
Stylish people know how to balance staying updated with trends while keeping their personal style intact. It’s cool to try out a new trend, but only after you’ve built a solid foundation of essential pieces in your wardrobe. Trends come and go, but a personal style that reflects you will always be in fashion.