No matter your style - be it the suited-up look or casual jeans - you probably own a solid pair of leather shoes. And like it or not, shoes make a first impression. Picture this: someone spots you for the first time, their eyes dart to your shoes, and, well, let’s just say dusty, rain-streaked shoes aren’t making any great introductions.

Back in the day, I used to leave my shoes to street-side shiners, but after looking into it, I decided to handle things myself. I picked up a simple kit from a shoe care store at 367 Kim Ma, Hanoi. They stock Woly - a top German brand - along with extras like waterproof sprays and gloss creams. The kit includes the essentials: a horsehair brush, a polish applicator, and a few solid shoe polishes. Cleaning leather shoes, as it turns out, is pretty straightforward.

Here’s how I do it, with no fuss:

This is just an illustration - you definitely don’t need that much gear!
To get started, set out your tools. A horsehair brush is my go-to - it’s sturdy, handles dirt well, and is gentle on the leather. Next, you’ll need a few soft cloths. Specialized cloths can get pricey, but an old cotton T-shirt works just as well! A polish applicator brush is optional; a soft cloth can spread the polish evenly too. Lastly, pick polish that matches your shoe color for a fresh, clean look without unintended dye jobs.
Wipe Off Dirt
Lay down some newspaper or an old towel. Grab a slightly damp cotton cloth and wipe down your shoes to remove dirt and dust. Don’t forget to remove the laces. Allow about 2-3 minutes for them to dry - applying polish over dirt only leads to scratches when buffing.
Apply Polish

Dip your cloth (or applicator brush) into the polish, using a small amount. Apply it to the shoe in small, circular motions, focusing on high-contact areas like the toe, heel, and around the eyelets.

With your horsehair brush, buff the entire shoe in a zigzag motion. The more pressure, the shinier the finish 😀
Wipe Down
Lastly, use a clean cloth to remove any excess polish. Your shoes will be polished up and ready to make a good impression! 😀
With just a few minutes, you’re all set. Taking care of what’s with you every day is worth it, trust me.